Archive pour la catégorie '07. Festivals. Expositions'

India Xianzai - MoCA de Shanghai

Lundi 7 septembre 2009

Du 16 juillet au 31 août 2009

L’art contemporain indien est en pleine effervescence depuis quelques années (tout comme l’art contemporain chinois) et cette exposition illustre bien ce qui se passe. Elle n’a aucune prétention et expose des œuvres indiennes contemporaines, qui racontent, chacune, à sa manière, une histoire de l’Inde. Globalement, peu de Chinois visitent les musées contemporain et ce sont surtout des étrangers. Toutefois, j’ai pu croiser de nombreux jeunes Chinois lors de ma visite dans le musée.

Les artistes présentés sont un melting pot de ce qui se trouve en Inde artistiquement parlant (selon moi).

Il y avait des peintures, des sculptures, des installations, des vidéos…

Voici quelques vues de l’exposition :

Voici un petit aperçu des œuvres qui m’ont interpellée, plu, bouleversée….

Jitish Kallat, Universal Recipient 2, 2008/2009

Riyas Komu, Take Away; 2009

L’artiste est partie de la carte de la Chine qu’il a reproduit en de nombreux exemplaires en métal avec marqué « TAKE AWAY » et une étoile.

Hema Upadhyay, Yours sincerely, 2008

Bidonville miniature qui m’a rappelé l’immense morceau de caoutchouc à la Saatchi Gallery (exposition : UNVEILED:NEW ART FROM THE MIDDLE EAST du Jan 30th - May 9th 2009) de Marwan Rechmaoui, Beirut Caoutchouc ou aussi le travail de Wafa Hourani, Qalandia 2067 .

Marwan Rechmaoui, Beirut Caoutchouc, 2004/2008

Wafa Hourani, Qalandia 2067

Jitish Kallat, Aquasaurus, 2008

Le catalogue de l’exposition est sobre et très bien fourni ! Il est très agréable à regarder et à lire (eh oui, c’est en anglais et en chinois).

Toutes les photographies présentes ici ont été faites par moi même.

Cindy Théodore


Alexander Keefe

Diana Freundl


Anju Dodiya, Chitra Ganesh, Fariba Alam, Hema Upadhya, Jagannath Panda, Jitish Kallat, Justin Ponmany, Mithu Sen, Probir Gupta, Reena Kallat, Riyas Komu, Subodh Gupta, Schandra Singh, Suhasini Kejriwal, Suryakant Lokhande, Susanta Mandal, Thukral and Tagra, TV Santosh, Vivek Vilasini, Vibha Galhotra

Info ici:

Abandon Normal Devices. Festival of new cinema and Digital Culture

Jeudi 20 août 2009

Festival of New Cinema and Digital Culture. Liverpool. 23-27 septembre 2009.
23-27 September 2009 & 2011 Liverpool
April 2010, 2011, 2012 Cumbria & Lancashire
September 2010 & 2012 Manchester & Cheshire

«Abandon Normal Devices (AND) is a new festival that welcomes audiences to experience the best in new cinema and media art in a celebration that spills from screens and galleries into the streets and imaginations of the North West. AND exists to create a space where artists and filmmakers can offer striking new perspectives, and visitors can enjoy, discuss and interact with ideas, in a festival that questions the normal and champions a different approach.

The festival will take place in Liverpool and Manchester on alternate years, with an extended programme in Cumbria, Lancashire and Cheshire. Expect an eclectic array of screenings, installations, online projects, public realm interventions, workshops and live events, with a distinctive emphasis on ideas and discussion.»

AND is presented by FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) (Liverpool), Cornerhouse (Manchester) and folly (Lancaster).

Artistes :

Apichatpong Weerasethakul Primitive
Primitive is a multi-screen video installation harmonising Weerasethakul’s talent as a filmmaker and video artist.

Carolee Schneemann
Revered for her pioneering and provocative work in performance and film, Schneemann deploys her own body as both subject matter and a source of knowledge.

Keep It Slick - Infiltrating Capitalism with The Yes Men
Political artists of the last decade. The show will also involve opportunities for interaction with the Yes Men themselves.

Krzysztof Wodiczko War Veteran Vehicle
War Veteran Vehicle is a new large-scale video projection for a public space in Liverpool. Wodiczko is interested in the situation of soldiers who fought during recent armed conflicts and are returning to civilian life, and for the this project will work with men and women from the Northwest who have experienced active duty in the armed forces. He represented Poland in this year’s Venice Biennale.

KMA Strange Attractors - The Anatomy of Dr Tulp
Strange Attractors - The Anatomy of Dr Tulp is a study of embodied discourse; how we use our bodies to move and to communicate in a material world, and how our bodies mediate between the internal and external worlds, at a microscopic and global level. Using light projected onto the ground, it examines the relationship between the motion of real, inanimate, and virtual bodies.

DJ Spooky presents Rebirth of a Nation
Transforming the new Liverpool Museum into a gigantic cinema screen, AND will present a night of remixed and remastered moving image, including a unique version of Rebirth of a Nation, DJ Spooky’s audiovisual remix of DW Griffith’s infamous Birth of a Nation.

Action Diana by The Centre of Attention
Artists The Centre of Attention have been creating a cover version of a classic feature film shot for shot using members of the public as the stars. Experimenting with the notion of re-appropriation and re-mix, The Centre of Attention push participation into uncomfortable realms, questioning both the gallery as an exhibition space, and the poverty of video art in relation to cinema.

Mathieu Marguerin : « Mal au pixel ». 2008. 2009

Lundi 1 septembre 2008

Manifesta 7 in Trentino — South Tyrol, Italy

Samedi 28 juin 2008 19 juillet — 2 novembre 2008
